
This collection of figurative artworks on large canvas are newly available artworks to a larger audience.  Having been stored and hung with enthusiastic stewards of Freeman's work they are now available online to an audience for Freeman's work that is spread far and wide.  This colletion of paintings is representative of Freeman's signature style in combining line with color.  Freeman's title system for figurative works involving models were intended to catalog the paintings as well as keep the names of his models anonymous.  In stark contrast to today's self publishing on social media this method of titles for his artwork allow the viewer to focus on the painting itself, the figurative pose within each painting, instead of the story of the individual.  The times have changed.  A painting with the title Two - 2 - 93  would indicate 1). the two figures in the composition, 2). the second painting in that year with two figures in the composition, and 3). the year of the painting.  Sometimes the numbers were in a different order and it takes some thought to determine that, for example, TWO - 87 - 23,  is the 23rd painting in 1987 with two figures in the composition.


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